
Why do skunks spray?

Scientifically, the life of a wild animal is not fully secured without a conscious effort to invent a traditional fighting mechanism for self defense and environmental protection. Man invented local weapons and tools to protect himself and his environment from attacks by his immediate enemies. Other animals like Lion have a well developed body size, sharp teeth and claws, while a Squirrel developed tinny legs for fast running and climbing.

A Skunk is a small mammal belonging to the family of weasel, usually black and white body color with ability to eject a fetid odor to disperse its predator from being attacked. The small creature is widely known for its anal scent glands use as a weapon for self protection and fighting mechanism.

How Do Skunks Produce Glands?
Unlike other animals, skunks have two developed visible anal glands, both on either sides of the small anus which produces sulfuric chemical substances with a stinct odour. As a defense mechanism, the animal sprays the glands professionally at its target to prevent the threat or being attacked.

How Do Skunks Spray?
A wise little skunk often so reluctant to spray it smelly glands just as only enough glands is produced for five to six uses and only to wait for another ten days for another glands to be produced. Hence, giving a fore warning to it's predator, stumping it's front feet regularly to react to a threat from prey, then turning swiftly it's anal glands to spray the smelly oil at the advancing threat for self defense.

Similar to other animals and man, skunks react to threat and in self defense by spraying it's smelly glands to it's predators such as wolves, badgers and even man, especially when it is domesticated. Sometimes it sprays the glands when it perceived a threatening sound and gives a warning to predator.

The smelly glands of skunks irritate other animals and causing an offensive odor as well as temporary blindness to any available attacker at any nearby. This can be detected by man over a long distance and it is highly effective to cause an offensive odor and a pollutant. This offensive odor can be more dangerous and causes environmental hazard to other host animal. The skunk spray is highly synthetic on the body of an attacker if sprayed and this may require a chemical disinfectant to remove the stinct.

SKUNK CONTROL: We specialize in skunk control projects. Call us now for skunk control in your city or town.
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