Snakes - Problems They Cause, Methods of Removal and Prevention: Many people have an irrational fear of serpents and start panicking at the sight of a snake in their home or on their property. And while it is true that without counting Alaska and Hawaii, every US state has at least one species of venomous snake, and that there are approximately twenty different species of poisonous snakes in the country, the vast majority of snakes that will slither around your property will in fact be nonvenomous. Of course, if you're not a snake expert or snake-knowledgeable, you won't be able to tell if a snake is or isn't venomous at first glance without doing any research. This being said, if you do get bit by a snake and can't be ABSOLUTELY positive that the snake isn't venomous, you need to seek medical care immediately. Don't wait for any signs of venom poisoning to appear, just go to the hospital as fast as you can.
Problems caused by snakes
Aside from the improbable yet possible case that the snake is venomous and it has to defend itself by biting you, there's really no other actual problem a snake may cause if it hangs around you property. In fact, the opposite is true, in that the snake will actually be a problem solver for you, as it will eat nuisance rodents and insects. However, if you see a snake outside, it will probably not stick around. The snake is most likely just passing through, so just monitor the yard or garden to make sure that's the case. If it does stick around, it means its food is also on your property, and that's when you really start having a problem, because it means you probably have rats or mice living in or near your home. In addition, if you have cats, birds, small dogs, or pet rodents, a snake might be dangerous for them, although it's all circumstantial.
Snakes can be an issue if, for example, they decide to move in your attic. Again, this means that you have a bigger problem there, probably rodent infestation, but if the snake has babies in the attic, those baby snakes will wander around everywhere, and you may not be comfortable with that at all.
Methods of removal and prevention
I'll start by repeating that one of the best ways to deal with a snake on your property is to monitor the place you've seen it in for a couple of days. If the snake doesn't return, then that's that. If it keeps returning, and you don't want it there, you should contact a wildlife control pro to handle the issue for you. Otherwise, you can try trapping it and relocating it somewhere safe where it will have shelter, where it won't cause damage to the existing wildlife population, but where it will also have a sustainable food source. Trapping can be done with gloves and a pillowcase, but this is not for the fainthearted. Alternatively, you can purchase a snake trap box – it will trap the snake alive by luring it to its glued surface. Check the trap frequently so that the animal doesn't go through more suffering than it needs to. You then need to separate the snake from the box without hurting it (oil is a good method), and continue by relocating it. I never encourage killing snakes by any method, but deadly snake traps are also available for purchase if that's something you're interested in.
If the snake is in your attic and won't leave, you should look into the matter more closely – I'm sure you'll find whatever is attracting the snake there in the first place. And when you do, your best approach will be to handle that situation first. Once the food source is gone, so will be the snake.
If you have a snake inside your home, you don't have any choice than to get rid of it. Again, I suggest a wildlife removal service. If you're confident in taking matters into your own hands, first make sure that you contain the snake in a single room from where it has no way of getting out. Until you've secured the room, don't bother the snake or try to catch it, as this will only further agitate the animal and increase the chances of it biting you. Remember, that snake has no desire to be in your house, and it probably just got in by accident or enticed by an inviting smell – you should thoroughly check the house for vermin after you get rid of the snake. Once you and the snake are in a confined space, you can go ahead with gloves and/or a blanket, pick it up, and put it in an empty pillowcase, proceeding with the relocation of the animal. You also have the option of pushing or sweeping the snake outside with a broom. Nevertheless, if there's even the smallest doubt in your mind relative to the snake not being venomous, you should not handle this yourself, you should call a professional instead.
If you know you live in an area of the country that is prone to snake activity, make sure you keep a neat yard, and that you keep to a schedule with outside trimming. Overgrown plants, bushes or lawns will attract more insects and more rodents, which will attract snakes. If you see gaps between rocks and the ground or between concrete and the ground, make sure you fill them up. Do an exterior inspection of the house, and close up any cracks, gaps or holes through which a snake could fit – snakes that come indoors are usually small, so take that into consideration when performing home repair. And remember, if the snake isn't just passing through, or if it hasn't been sent by your lifelong nemesis to destroy you with its serpent magic, you need to look at what it is that attracted the snake there to begin with, and deal with that issue accordingly.
Snake Removal - How to Get Rid of Snakes
Common Snakes of Arizona
Common Snakes of Florida
Common Snakes of Georgia
How big do snakes get?
How Do Snakes Eat?
How Do Snakes Sleep?
How do snakes move?
Do snakes always inject venom when they bite?
Common Snakes of North Carolina
Common Snakes of Ohio
Common Snakes of Pennsylvania
Common Snakes of Virginia
What attracts snakes?
Venomous snake vs poisonous snake
Venomous Snakes of Florida
Common Snakes of Illinois
Common Snakes of South Carolina
Venomous Snakes of North Carolina
Venomous Snakes of Texas
Common Snakes of Texas
How Do Snakes Produce Venom?
Do Snakes Ever Run Out Of Venom?
How Do Snakes Smell Their Environment
Do snakes hibernate?
Do Snakes Drink Water?
Do snakes blink?
Do snakes come out at night?
Do Snakes Jump?
Do snakes come out in the rain?
How to get rid of snakes in the attic
Do Snakes Live in Holes?
Do Snakes Feel Pain?
Do Snakes Feed Their Young Babies
How Do Snakes Communicate?
Do Snake Climb Trees?
Do snakes chase you?
Do Snakes Eat Birds?
Do snakes lay eggs or give live birth?
Do snakes attract other snakes?
Do snakes have bones?
Do snakes have ears? Can they hear?
Does Rope Work as Snake Repellent?
Are snakes dangerous to cats, dogs, or other pets?
What does a snake skin look like? Where is it found?
The Copperhead Snake: Appearance, biology, life cycle, habitat, diet, behavior
What is the Deadliest Snake in the United States?
How to find and remove a snake in your attic
The problem of Burmese Pythons in south Florida
What to do if you find a shed snake skin
The Banded Water Snake: Appearance, biology, life cycle, habitat, diet, behavior
The Black Racer Snake: Appearance, biology, life cycle, habitat, diet, behavior
The Brown Water Snake: Appearance, biology, life cycle, habitat, diet, behavior
What animals catch and kill snakes?
How to keep snakes out of your basement
How to get snakes out from under a shed or porch
Will a snake under a shed or porch have a nest of babies
What Are Some Ways to Kill a Snake in the Yard?
What Does Snake Feces Look Like?
Do mothballs or ammonia help repel snakes?
Will a high pitch sound deterrent machine work against snakes?
How to keep snakes away from your property
What is a snake fence?
What if a snake got inside my house, bedroom, kitchen, etc?
What equipment is needed to catch a snake?
Is it safe to handle a snake with bare hands?
Is it legal for me to catch a venomous snake?
Can you use a trap to catch a snake?
What should I do with a snake after I catch it?
Where should I relocate a trapped snake?
Should I Hire A Pro, Or Remove Snakes Myself?
Where Do Snakes Live? Do More Snakes Live In Urban Areas, Or Wild Areas?
How to Keep Snakes Out Of My Garden
Do Snakes Make Good Pets?
What Is a Snake’s Natural Diet and How Does It Get Its Food?
Why do snakes bite?
What to do if you get bitten by a snake?
Understanding Snake venom and how it works
Will a pest control company remove a snake?
What Is a Snake’s Mating Habits, When Do They Have Babies or Lay Eggs
What Should I Do If I Find Nest of Snakes?
Will the city or county animal services help me with a snake issue?
The Coral Snake
The Diamond Rattle Snake
The Garter Snake
The Northern Water Snake
The Pigmy Rattle Snake
The Corn Snake
The Water Moccasin Snake
The Yellow Rat Snake
The Black Rat Snake