
About Fox: Appearance, biology, life cycle, habitat, diet, behavior

Fox are small, medium sized, omnivore’s animals belonging to the family of the canidae. They very much look like a dog but in reality they are very different. Therefore, you should not confuse other animals like dogs and coyotes to the fox.


• Foxes are smaller than a dog.
• They have triangular ears.
• They have a pointed as well as slightly upturned snout.
• They do have a long bushy tail.

In case you meet a friend with such a fitting description, then you should automatically know that you are dealing with a fox and not any other animal.

Foxes are generally very small compared to the other members of the canidae family which include the following;

• Wolves.
• The jackals.
• The domestic dogs.

The red fox are the largest of all the foxes there are. The smallest fox of them all is the fennec fox. Any creature that has a triangular like face, pointed ears and elongated rostrum is considered a fox. They are digitigrades and thus they will tend to walk on their toes. They will very much vary from their cousins the dogs. Everything about them is very different and cannot compare.

Life cycle
Female fox gives birth to about 5-6 cubs at spring in the beginning. Also at birth, the male is faced with the responsibility of bringing food to the female as it rarely leaves the den. The cubs are usually born deaf, blind and have very little fur on their skin. The furs the cubs are born with are very short and very dark. For the first few weeks, the cubs cannot leave the den since they are dependent for food and warmth. When summer sets in, the females finish lactating and the den is abandoned. Still the foxes are bringing food to the juveniles. Soon in the mid summers, the youngsters have to learn searching their own food.

Most of the foxes live in the wild but there are some species of the fox are endangered and therefore, they have to be kept on areas where they are protected for them not to become extinct. Otherwise, most of the foxes live in the wild.

The fox are omnivore’s animals and will eat anything they find in their way. Their choice of diet is not influenced by the nature of their environment. Fox will normally eat any scavenged items and this includes junk foods. These are meat, bones, breads, bird foods etc.

It is very easy to identify the foxes and with such clear information you can do the identification very easily.

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