
What kind of damage do bats cause in an attic?

Do you know bats are the kind of animals? Yes, these animals have been listed in a category of wild animals. There are a couple of things you need to know about bats. Bats usually come in night, hence seeing one during the day is a very questionable thing. It may be sick and dying, do not just reach out without protection. Bats are carriers of deadly illness causing microorganisms; therefore, handling a bat without caution can cause the transmission of deadly illnesses. They generally reside in caves and dark places like attics. Take caution when you see them in places they do not favor.

Can you find dead bat?
If you live in an area where there are woods and caves nearby you may encounter dead bats even just by walking through your compound or area. By use of a trained dog, you can scan the area for any dead animals. Ensure your animal does not come close to a dead bat though. By checking your enclosed areas, like garages, attics and beneath porches…This exercise however requires a lot of care and watchfulness as anything is possible. They could fly at you and bite.

What are the causes of death in bats?
They may be man-made or natural.

● Predators
● Disease
● Wind turbines and other man made gadgets may also be a big contributory factor to their mortality.

They are carriers of disease
While not all of them are carriers of rabies, one needs to be cautious as a bite from an infected one may become fatal. Marburg hemorrghic fever which is as deadly as the Ebola virus, is also a disease that is associated with handling The most common source of rabies is bats.

What to do when you find a dead bat
Wear protective gear when handling the animal. You do not want to catch disease. Ensure that your pets are not in contact with the dead animal. If they already have been, a visit to the vet is advised for anti-rabies shot. Contact the nearest disease control offices near you. This is because they may need you to bag and send them the dead bat for testing purposes. If you are disposing it yourself, consider burying it in a deep grave or incinerate it.

BAT CONTROL: We specialize in bat control projects. Call us now for bat control in your city or town.
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