Baby raccoons are known to be harmless and helpless when their mother is gone. For that reason, they will always wander around in search of food and assistant from people which are quite pitiful. But, you are not to do anything about the situation of an orphaned baby raccoon until you read information on this article. This is to avoid putting yourself into danger when you will make mistake while caring for orphaned raccoon. You will learn the possible things you need to do when you find an orphaned baby raccoon wandering about through this article.
Find Out the Health Condition of the Orphaned Baby Raccoon
The first thing you need to do when you find an orphaned baby raccoon wandering about is to get it and know the health condition. Find out if the boy is cold and lethargy, if parasites have covered the body, if there is any dog or car injury on the baby if the baby has broken limbs and others. These are among the things that can make a mother raccoon to abandon the baby.
Provide the Baby with Enough Heat to Keep the Boy Warmth
In order to ensure a wandering orphaned baby raccoon survive you have to provide it with enough heat. Providing the baby raccoon with heat will make it easy for the mother to accept it back when she will find it outside. But, if you allow the body to cool chances are the mother will never come back or will not accept it when it finally find where it is.
Reunite the Baby with the Mother
After checking the body of the orphaned raccoon for any injury, cold or sickness and providing it with enough heat, the nest thing will be to reunite it with the mother. You can easily do this by placing the baby raccoon outside inside a cartoon with heat to keep the body warmth. The mother will come to pick it up as the night draw near but you must be patient enough to wait for mother till next morning.
Contact a Wildlife Rehab Center for the Orphaned Baby Raccoons
If after waiting for raccoon mom throughout the night and it did not come. Then there is chance that the mother is no more alive. So, the next option will be to contact a wild life rehab center nearest to you. The professionals will know the best way to handle the animal until it will be old enough to go back to the wild.
RACCOON CONTROL: We specialize in raccoon control projects. Call us now for raccoon control in your city or town.
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