
Do mothballs or ammonia help repel pigeons?

Bird Proofing
Urban pigeons are a common type of nuisance animals. Besides urban pigeons are nuisance animals, house sparrows and starling are also nuisance birds. Pigeons that live in the cities can cause a lot of damage to the property or facility they invade. These are the reasons why people should get rid of pigeons as soon as possible and employ certain pigeon control methods. There are several ways of how one can manage pigeon problem, however, the best way to control pigeons is to install an exclusion device on pigeon entry and exit holes. Another great way to prevent pigeons from your attic or your roof is to install the so-called shock tracks which are a great pigeon repellent. Shock tracks aren’t the only efficient pigeon repellent. There is also one pigeon repellent called pigeon netting that can also help you prevent pigeons from roosting and nesting on your roof or in your attic. You can also prevent pigeons by using repellents such as blockers, perch wires, metal needle strips, plastic needle strips, etc. In some cases, all you need to prevent pigeons from invading your attic is simple repairs.

What About Ammonia and Mothballs?
We have featured bird physical bird repellents that are really helpful in getting rid of pigeons on your property, but we didn’t feature chemical pigeon repellents such as mothballs and ammonia. Are chemical repellents a good solution for getting rid of pigeons in your attic or they are just a waste of time and money? Many people who have pigeon infestation on their property will do anything just to get rid of pigeons on their property. This includes using chemical repellents to get rid of pigeons on their property. People most usually use mothballs and ammonia to get rid of pigeons. But are those chemical repellents effective?

The Answer
The answer to the question are chemical repellents effective in getting rid of pigeons is no; chemical repellents aren’t effective in controlling pigeons. Now, let us explain why you should never use chemical repellents to get rid of pigeons in your attic or in your livestock facility. Look, mothballs and ammonia have a strong smell and they may actually irritate pigeons at first. However, pigeons will get used to the smell of ammonia and mothballs very soon and that is why chemical repellents aren’t effective in getting rid of pigeons.

BIRD CONTROL: We specialize in bird control projects. Call us now for bird control in your city or town.
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